Regardless of how cautious you may be while driving, you may still end up in a car accident that was caused by another careless or negligent driver, by a defect in a car or on the road, or for some other reason. You may be entitled to seek financial compensation for the monetary and intangible losses you sustain as a result of the accident if you are hurt in a collision that can be proven to be the other party’s legal fault. Contact our experienced East Orange car accident lawyers at The Epstein Law Firm, P.A. if pursuing a legal claim against the party or parties responsible for the accident appears difficult or overwhelming.

Our top East Orange personal injury lawyers offer experienced, successful legal counsel to injured people to assist, protect, and advocate for their rights and interests. We have more than 120 years of combined legal experience. Insurance companies and defense attorneys know that we won’t give up until our clients receive fair and complete reimbursement, which benefits our clients. We are aware that recovering from a fatal auto accident can take a lot of time and effort. Let us handle your legal case so you can concentrate on recovering and returning to your normal life as soon as possible.

To learn more about how our firm can assist you in pursuing the fair and complete financial compensation you need when healing from injuries you sustained in a car crash, call or contact us for a free case evaluation with an expert auto injury attorney in East Orange, NJ.

The Epstein Law Firm’s Top-Rated East Orange Car Accident Lawyers Will Stake Out the Full Amount of Your Legal Claim

The Epstein Law Firm, P.A.’s team of devoted auto injury attorneys in East Orange, NJ feels that victims shouldn’t be forced to shoulder the financial burden associated with a collision that wasn’t their fault. We are also adamant that you should receive justice for the pain and suffering you have had as a result of the accident. Because of this, our firm conducts a thorough investigation of your claim in order to fight for just and adequate compensation for you. This investigation aims to understand the impact the accident and your injuries have had on your life as well as to gather evidence that will demonstrate how the other party was at fault for the collision. On your behalf, our legal team will fight for financial restitution for:

  • Medical costs
  • Physical therapy
  • Home health care services
  • Adaptations for those with ongoing disability
  • Lost earnings and employment advantages
  • Lost potential for future income
  • Distress and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Lack of pleasure or quality of life
  • Damage to a vehicle or other property

We do more than just assist you in obtaining cash to pay your debts and expenses. Instead, we battle to make culpable parties answerable and provide you with the justice you merit.

What Leads to Automobile Collisions in East Orange?

Inattentional and irresponsible driving on the part of other drivers frequently results in car accidents in East Orange. In addition to drivers, other parties may also be at fault for an automobile accident, including the producers of the vehicle parts or even the state or local government. The Epstein Law Firm’s experienced East Orange car accident lawyers can aid in your recovery following collisions involving:

  • Speeding
  • Tailgating
  • Swerving through traffic
  • Failure to yield
  • Ignoring stop signs or red lights
  • Not using a turn or lane change signal before making a turn
  • Not checking mirrors
  • Drunk or tired driving accidents
  • Accidents caused by distracted driving and texting while driving
  • Reckless driving collisions
  • Driving when impaired by drugs or alcohol
  • The poor state of the roads
  • Adverse weather, such as snow, ice, fog, or torrential rain
  • Faulty auto parts
  • Insufficient car upkeep
  • Commuter vehicle collisions
  • Pedestrian collisions
  • Uber mishaps
  • Lyft mishaps
  • Accidents in limos or taxis
  • Accidents involving uninsured or underinsured drivers
  • Rear end accidents
  • Rollover accidents
  • Intersection accidents
  • Guardrail accidents

Our firm can assist, regardless of whether one of these factors or another factor contributed to your accident.

Call or Email Our Firm to Discuss the Specifics of Your Claim and Request a Case Evaluation

If you have been hurt in an auto accident in East Orange, NJ, contact The Epstein Law Firm right away for a free, no-obligation consultation to go over your legal rights and options for holding the driver or other parties accountable for the collision, your injuries, and your losses, and for obtaining compensation and justice on your behalf.

About East Orange, NJ

East Orange, a city in the United States, is situated in Essex County, New Jersey. According to the 2020 US Census, the city had 69,612 residents. On March 4, 1863, portions of Orange Town were used to create East Orange as a township under a New Jersey legislative act. On December 9, 1899, East Orange was reincorporated as a city based on the results of a referendum that was held two days earlier.

Car Accident Legal Services in Areas Nearby

The Epstein Law Firm, P.A. has office locations nearby at:

Contact our Rochelle Park office today at (201) 231-7847 or our Englewood Cliffs office at 201-734-3763 for a free consultation.

East Orange Car Accident Lawyers Answer Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Automobile Accidents New Jersey

What should I do if I was in a car accident?

Should I provide the insurance company with a statement?

It is not wise to give an insurance company a written or recorded statement before discussing your case with a car accident lawyer. Even though you might be required to give a statement to your insurance provider, it’s possible that they will try to use some or all of it (even out of context) to reject your claim or the entire amount of compensation you are asking for. If your insurer requests a statement from you, an experienced auto accident lawyer can either speak with them on your behalf to provide the data they need while protecting your rights and interests, or they can assist you in drafting your statement.

Why am I not entitled to financial compensation for my suffering or diminished quality of life?

You can choose the verbal threshold or the limitation on lawsuit threshold for your coverage when purchasing auto insurance in New Jersey. However, unless you have experienced a qualifying event, such as permanent damage or impairment, displaced bone fracture, substantial scarring or deformity, loss of a bodily part, or loss of a fetus, choosing this option will result in cost savings on your insurance rates. You have no restrictions on your ability to pursue compensation if you chose the no limitation on lawsuits option for your auto insurance.


We want to express our deepest gratitude for the exceptional work you did to insure that our father’s unfortunate accident did not go unrecognized; my dear dad would have appreciated your professionalism, unstoppable work ethic and most of all your compassion every step of the way. Please know we have the highest regard and the utmost respect for you.

Deb & Joe

Thank you again for all of your help, support and advice. You’ve made a trying and difficult time much easier to deal with for my family and myself. You will never have any idea how much your efforts were, and will forever be appreciated.

F. D.