There are inherent risks in every type of surgical procedure. As a result, surgeons must take all reasonable measures to minimize these risks. In abdominal surgery, one of the biggest risks involves the inadvertent puncturing of an organ. Anytime a surgeon accidentally punctures an organ, cuts an artery or a nerve, he or she must take immediate action to minimize the damage. Failure to do so could lead to permanent injury or even death.

If you or a loved one suffered a punctured or perforated organ during surgery, it may well be the result of medical negligence. You need a lawyer on your side who will work tirelessly to help you recover full compensation for your damages. For years, families and individuals throughout New Jersey have relied on The Epstein Law Firm to provide exceptional representation in medical malpractice claims. We accept all medical malpractice cases on a no-recovery, no-fee basis. Contact us today to set up a free consultation.

Fighting For Your Rights After A Surgical Error

One of the more common scenarios involving punctured organs involves a surgeon puncturing a person’s bowel during surgery. If the surgeon fails to act quickly, body waste could enter the abdominal cavity, leading to infection and other serious problems. Puncturing other organs, such as the kidney or liver, could also lead to catastrophic injuries.

In addition to punctured organs, certain surgical procedures involve the risk of cutting an artery or a nerve. This could lead to serious complications. Whatever your case involves, we have the experience, skill and resources necessary to protect your rights.

Going The Extra Mile To Prepare The Strongest Possible Case

Medical malpractice cases can be particularly difficult. Even in the face of obvious negligence, surgeons and their insurers will go to great lengths to minimize their liability. For these and other reasons, it is critical that your attorney understands the medical and legal issues involved in your claim.

If we believe you have a valid claim for damages, we will go to work immediately, working with recognized experts to show why your surgeon breached his or her duty of care to you. While we are proving the surgeon’s negligence, we will work with your own medical providers to prove how this injury has impacted your life. Whether your case is resolved at trial or through settlement negotiations, you can take heart knowing that we will have your best interests at heart.

Contact The Epstein Law Firm Today

We provide a free initial consultation to discuss your concerns in detail. Call our Rochelle Park law firm at 201-231-7847 to get started.