Experienced New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Explain What an Employer’s Obligations Are in a Workers Compensation Claim

Many employees are aware of basic procedures they must follow when they are injured on the job, such as immediately notifying their employer and filing an injury claim form when required by the employer or the employer’s insurance carrier. What they may not know is that their employer has additional obligations under the workers’ compensation system. These duties can range anywhere from providing employees with claim forms in a timely manner to addressing harassment in the workplace. Failure to comply with these obligations can lead to fines and even civil or criminal liability. Our Employer Obligations Under New Jersey Workers’ Compensation can help you get the compensation you deserve

The first and most basic expectation of employers is that they participate in the workers’ compensation system. Each state has its own requirements. But an employer that is required to participate but fails to carry insurance for their employees is subject to fines and civil or criminal liability.

An employer who participates in workers’ compensation usually has certain obligations towards employees and must submit reports related to workers’ compensation. The obligations towards employees might include posting a sign stating that the employer is in compliance with workers’ compensation and providing an injured employee with a claim form within a certain period of time. The reporting requirements could include providing a statement for every injury claim or providing more general reports on the number of accidents that have occurred.

Naturally, employers are expected to provide not only emergency medical care for employees but ongoing medical attention where indicated.

In addition, in New Jersey, the employer has a duty not to retaliate against an employee for making a claim for workers’ compensation benefits or because they require certain accommodations. In order to keep employers from taking retaliatory actions, states may allow the employee to take certain actions including bringing a lawsuit, particularly if the employee is fired in retaliation for bringing a claim. If an employee is fired they will usually have the right to an administrative hearing or they will have the opportunity to sue their employer for wrongful discharge.

In general, employers don’t have a legal duty to make sure that no one gets hurt in the workplace. If other employees are not properly supervised or if there is not adequate security, this does not give rise to a suit against the employer. These are the kind of negligence claims which are generally barred by workers’ compensation. There can be exceptions, however when an employer intentionally creates an unsafe work environment. Also, employers have some responsibility to deal with issues which create a hostile work environment like sexual harassment. If an employer is aware of the conditions, or should be aware of them, and fails to act, then they may be personally liable for an injury that results. Contact our attorneys in New Jersey today.

DISCLAIMER: This site and any information contained herein are intended for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. Seek competent legal counsel for advice on any legal matter.

Frequently Asked Questions About Employer Obligations

How are cases resolved if there is a dispute?

What if there is employer retaliation?