Working in elevated places using ladders is a necessary but dangerous part of a construction worker’s job. Every year, hundreds of New Jersey workers are injured in incidents involving falls and collapses off ladders at job sites. If you have suffered any injuries in this type of accident, seek the advice of an experienced injury lawyer. At The Epstein Law Firm, we have decades of experience representing injured people in Bergen County, Essex County and throughout New Jersey. Over the years, our team of New Jersey ladder fall accident lawyers have successfully represented many injured construction workers as well as grieving families who have lost loved ones in construction accidents. Whether you suffered a neck injury, spinal cord injury, broken bones, or any other injury in a ladder fall accident, we will vigorously pursue the compensation you need to get through this period in your life.

Ladder Falls and Third-Party Liability

As New Jersey ladder fall accident lawyers, we investigate each claim to uncover who bears responsibility for the injuries. Ladders are sometimes manufactured or designed defectively, in which case we seek to hold the appropriate company liable. In other situations, a site supervisor or subcontractor violates safety rules, leading to accidents. If it turns out that your injury was caused by such a third party (anyone other than your own employer or a co-worker), we will help you pursue not only workers’ compensation, but additional compensation through a personal injury lawsuit as well.

We encourage you to reach out to our ladder injury attorneys in Rochelle Park, NJ if you were injured in any residential or commercial ladder accident. Examples of things we look for include:

  • Lack of fall protection
  • Ladder defects
  • Inadequate anchoring
  • Use of ladders that were not rated for the task
  • Lack of adequate safety warnings

New Jersey ladder fall accident claims can quickly become complex. The ability to recover compensation often depends on whom you were working for, whom or what caused the accident and whether the ladder was used properly. Our team of ladder injury attorneys in Rochelle Park, NJ at The Epstein Law Firm has the proven ability to succeed in these situations, and we will work diligently to obtain a positive outcome for you.

Contact The Epstein Law Firm for a Free Initial Consultation

If you were injured in an accident involving a ladder, talk to one of our New Jersey ladder fall accident attorneys about your potential legal claim. Call 201-231-7847 or contact our Rochelle Park office online. We can meet you at your home or in the hospital if your injuries prevent you from traveling to us.

New Jersey Ladder Fall Accident Lawyers Answer Frequently Asked Questions About Ladder Fall Accidents at Work

Who is responsible for a construction accident?

Do I have a workplace injury claim if I’m an independent contractor?

How do I know if I’m an independent contractor or a regular employee for my workplace injury claim?

The difference between an independent contractor and an employee: there are several different factors that go into that. And just because your employer might pay you on a 1099 does not necessarily mean that you’re an independent contractor. And that’s just one example. Sometimes the employer may take the position that the accident didn’t happen in the course of employment for whatever reason. And so, by hiring the Epstein Law Firm, we can help you weed out those issues, and we can work with you to combat the insurance carriers’ and the employers’ arguments regarding the person as an independent contractor, or did not get injured during the course of employment. There are several circumstances where an employer might take the position that the accident didn’t happen during the course of employment, and there are several factors that go into the determination as to whether or not the employee was actually in the course of their employment at the time of the accident.