Car accidents can seem like an everyday fact of life until you find yourself seriously injured in a crash. You may come to find that a car accident can completely turn your life upside down, leaving you with medical bills from weeks or even months of treatment, all the while you are out of work and unable to earn a living. When you were injured in a crash that may have been caused by another driver’s negligence or the legal fault of another party, you deserve to seek financial compensation for your losses. Turn to the Paterson car accident lawyers of The Epstein Law Firm, P.A. for help.

With more than 120 years of combined legal experience, our attorneys know what it takes to successfully pursue maximum compensation in a car accident claim. We understand that the idea of pursuing a legal claim can seem daunting and stress-inducing. That’s why our experienced Paterson personal injury attorneys take on all the hard work in building and pursuing your case so that you get to focus on your physical and emotional recovery and on getting back to normal life. You can also rely on our firm’s reputation and track record of success to help you secure the outcome you want and deserve in your case.

Reach out to us today for a free initial case review to learn more about how our experienced Paterson car accident lawyers can guide you through the claims process to recover the financial compensation you need for your injuries and losses. 

Common Causes of Car Accidents

In Paterson, car accidents may come in one of many different forms, including:

At The Epstein Law Firm, our dedicated Paterson car accident lawyers can help you prove the liability of the negligent driver or other at-fault party so that you can obtain the compensation you need for your recovery. 

Paterson Car Accident Lawyers from The Epstein Law Firm Can Help You Maximize the Value of Your Claim

When you choose The Epstein Law Firm, P.A. to help you with your car accident claim, you can expect that our skilled Paterson car accident lawyers will put in whatever work is necessary to secure the fair and full value of your claim for compensation. We fight to ensure that you are not only compensated for your financial losses but also for the personal harm that you endure because of your injuries. Our attorneys will pursue financial recovery on your behalf for:

  • Medical treatment costs
  • Physical and occupational rehab
  • Long-term care costs necessitated by disabling injuries
  • Lost wages and/or lost future earnings
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Physical scarring and disfigurement or physical disability that impacts your quality of life
  • Your family’s loss of your companionship and society
  • Repair costs for your vehicle, or the cash value if your car was totaled in the crash

Our skilled Paterson car accident lawyers will review the evidence from the accident, consult with accident reconstruction and medical experts, and review your medical records and your bills and invoices to build a strong, effective, and persuasive case to show why you deserve financial compensation from the other party or parties at fault for the accident.

Contact Our Firm Today for a Free Case Evaluation to Learn More about Your Legal Rights Following a Car Accident

Car Crash Attorney Paterson NJ

After you’ve been hurt through no fault of your own after a car crash, call or contact The Epstein Law Firm today for a free, no-obligation consultation with our Paterson car accident lawyers to discuss how having skilled legal representation in your corner can make the difference when trying to recover from significant injuries and financial losses after an accident. 

About Paterson, NJ

Paterson is a city located in Passaic County, NJ. The largest municipality and the county seat of Passaic County, Paterson ranks as New Jersey’s third-most populous city and the fourth-most densely populated city among municipalities of more than 100,000 residents. Paterson has historically been known as the “Silk City” due to its heavy concentration of silk production facilities. Paterson was the U.S.’s first planned industrial city, due to efforts by founding father Alexander Hamilton to develop an industrial center for the young country. 

Areas Nearby In Passaic County

The Epstein Law Firm, P.A. has an office located at 340 West Passaic Street. Rochelle Park, NJ 07662. Contact our office today at (201) 231-7847 for a free consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions about Car Accidents in Paterson, NJ

What should I do if I was in a car accident?

When should I speak to an attorney about my car accident claim?

Ideally, you should consult with a lawyer as soon as possible after your car accident. Speaking to an attorney soon after the crash will help ensure you know what steps you need to take to protect your legal rights and interests. Speaking to an attorney as soon as possible can also be helpful if you are contacted by insurance adjusters after the accident, as the insurance company may be looking to get you to give up important rights before you’ve had a chance to talk to a lawyer about your rights and options.

Won’t I save money if I just handle my claim on my own?

Although it is understandable to think that you will end up with more money at the end of your case if you don’t have to pay an attorney to represent you, in reality, you are far more likely to receive much more compensation from the insurance company after a car accident when you are represented by experienced legal counsel. A car accident attorney will have the experience to value your legal claim and to aggressively pursue fair and full compensation from the insurance company in a settlement or at trial. Oftentimes, the legal fee paid to your attorney is well worth the increased compensation your lawyer can secure for you.


The first thing that comes to mind when I think of The Epstein Law Firm is, “These guys know what they are doing!” Being involved in a lawsuit is emotionally draining. Having a team like them to support you is like having the best captain in uncharted waters. Aside from being my lawyers and doing their job, it felt like they genuinely cared about me and my mental state. No words can ever fully express my gratitude.

Nicholas G.

An outstanding firm with excellent attorneys. If you need a representation, they are definitely the ones to contact.

Jamie B.