Even though many dog owners think of their pets as members of the family, any dog can snap and bite or attack someone, often without any apparent reason or warning. Even little canines are capable of biting humans and causing life-threatening conditions. The delicate head and neck region of young children is more accessible to a dog’s mouth, and youngsters and old individuals may lack the strength to repel an attacking dog, making them particularly prone to suffering catastrophic injuries from dog bites and attacks. If you were bitten or attacked by someone else’s dog and had injuries as a result, you may be entitled to financial compensation to cover the cost of your medical care, recovery, and any lost wages or earning potential. Our skilled Fort Lee dog bite lawyers can make the process of pursuing a legal claim much simpler for you.

Allow our dedicated team of dog bite injury attorneys in Fort Lee, NJ to vigorously pursue the monetary compensation you require and deserve. In order to get a fair and complete settlement in your case, it can be helpful to have a skilled personal injury lawyer on your side. Insurance companies know they can take your case to court and to trial with confidence. Call 201-231-7847 or complete our free case evaluation form to receive a free consultation with a qualified Fort Lee personal injury lawyer at The Epstein Law Firm, P.A.

In Cases Of a Dog Bite, Recovery Is Possible

Dogs can bite and cause severe wounds such as lacerations, fractured bones, soft tissue damage, and nerve damage. Complications from bacterial or viral illnesses in a dog’s mouth can also result from dog bites. 

When a dog attack causes injuries, you may be entitled to financial compensation for losses like:

  • Expenses related to medical care and rehabilitation, such as hospital bills, charges for surgeries and other procedures, prescription drug prices, costs of physical or occupational therapy, and other direct costs
  • Services for personal care
  • Income lost if your injuries prevent you from working while you recover
  • Potential earnings lost
  • Including mental anguish and discomfort, pain and suffering (such as a newly-developed fear of dogs)
  • Loss of enjoyment or quality of life, including as a result of physical scarring and disfigurement brought on by injuries

In addition, you might be entitled to compensation for any personal property that was harmed in the dog attack, like ripped clothing, a shattered watch, or a broken pair of spectacles.

How The Epstein Law Firm, P.A.’s Tenacious Fort Lee Dog Bite Lawyers Will Fight to Secure The Monetary Compensation You Require

When a dog bite leaves you with an injury that necessitates medical attention, prevents you from working, or results in permanent scarring or impairment, the dog’s owner owes you compensation and responsibility. However, prosecuting a dog bite claim can be time-consuming and challenging, particularly if the dog’s owner is a neighbor, friend, or member of your family.

Allow a skilled personal injury attorney to relieve you of the burden of pursuing a legal claim by:

  • Finding the owner of the dog, gathering and examining attack evidence
  • assisting you to record your losses and injuries so that you are fully compensated for all of your past, present, and future costs and damages
  • presenting the insurance companies with your claims for reimbursement and tenaciously pursuing a settlement that gives you with just compensation
  • Rejecting cheap and inadequate settlement offers from the insurance companies and, if necessary, bringing your claim to court and trial in order to get the maximum compensation you are entitled to in the event that you were wounded without fault of your own.
  • You can devote all of your time and effort to recovering from the physical and psychological wounds you sustained in a dog bite or assault when a professional Fort Lee dog bite attorney is handling your case.

About Fort Lee, NJ

Fort Lee is a borough in Bergen County, New Jersey, that overlooks the Hudson River from the Palisades. The American Revolutionary War camp known as Fort Lee got its name from its location. American cinema was established there at the turn of the twentieth century. It was in this borough in 1931 that the western approach to the George Washington Bridge began. In the 1960s and 1970s, Fort Lee’s population and housing density grew a lot because the GWB could take people from New Jersey to the borough of Manhattan in New York City. Borough government is in place in Fort Lee, as it is in all of New Jersey. Only 218 out of the 564 municipalities in the state adopt this type of government, and that includes the borough. The mayor and the six-person Borough Council are all elected at large on a non-partisan basis during the general election held every November. The mayor serves a four-year term after being elected directly by the voters.

Contact Our Experienced Dog Bite Injury Attorneys in Fort Lee, NJ For a Free, No-Obligation Case Evaluation

If a dog bites you, you should be reimbursed for your medical costs and other damages. For a free consultation to discuss your legal rights, alternatives, and potential financial recovery following a dog attack or bite, call 201-231-7847 or fill out our free case evaluation form to learn how much your case is worth. The Epstein Law Firm, P.A., is a reputable Fort Lee dog bite injury law firm. Call today.

Dog Bite Legal Services in Areas Nearby

The Epstein Law Firm, P.A. has office locations nearby at:

Contact our Rochelle Park office today at (201) 231-7847 or our Englewood Cliffs office at 201-734-3763 for a free consultation.


Our Fort Lee Dog Bite Lawyers Answer Common Questions Regarding Dog Bite Injury Cases In New Jersey

I was bitten by a friend or family member's dog, but I don't want to bring legal action against them. What shall I do?

It is totally fair that you might not want to risk jeopardizing your personal relationship by taking a friend, neighbor, or member of your family to court to seek recompense for yourself. You should be aware that the homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policy held by the owner of the dog that bit you handles and pays out on the majority of dog bite injury claims. Your neighbor, acquaintance, or relative is covered by insurance to guard against liability and financial loss. You will be compensated for your injury by the insurance company, not by your neighbor, friend, or family member.

What must I demonstrate in a dog bite lawsuit?

In cases involving dog bites, New Jersey is regarded as a “strict responsibility” state. This means that, unlike some other states, you do not have to prove that the person who owned the dog that bit you knew it was dangerous or vicious (usually because it had previously bitten someone else) or that they did not take reasonable precautions to keep it under control and prevent harm to others (such as by keeping the dog behind adequate fencing or keeping the dog on a leash or muzzle). You only need to demonstrate that you were legally in a public or private area when you were bitten by a dog and that your injuries and damages qualify you for financial compensation.

How much do attorneys charge?

When clients meet with attorneys, the cost of getting good legal representation causes them a lot of anxiety. It makes sense that way. But because The Epstein Law Firm, P.A. doesn’t get paid until you get paid, we always work to secure the maximum compensation for your injuries.