An accident with a commercial truck has the potential to cause personal injury, as well as quite a bit of damage to your vehicle. In the immediate aftermath of a car-truck accident, the most important thing you can do is receive medical treatment. This helps stabilize your health, put you on the path to making a full recovery and provide you with a clear idea of your long-term prognosis. As your health allows, you'll want to file an insurance claim. Here are five tips to follow when doing so:
  • Don't delay: You may not be able to call your agent immediately after the accident, as a result of your injuries, but do your best to make contact as quickly as possible. If you're unable to do so, ask a loved one to assist you with the process.
  • Review your policy: Before you get too far into your claim, review your policy with an eye toward the coverage and exclusion sections, as this will give you a firm idea of the type of coverage you have and what to expect from your insurer.
  • Take notes of all conversations: No matter whom you speak with, take notes of the conversation. This should include the person's name, contact information and what was discussed.
  • Keep detailed records: For example, request a copy of the police report in the days following the accident. Also, hang onto all medical records, such as bills and documentation pertaining to your injuries.
  • Take photos: From the accident scene to your injuries to damage to your vehicle, take as many photos as you can. Store these alongside other records for future use.
Along with all the above, don't forget that your insurance policy is a contract with your insurer. They have a legal obligation to live up to the terms and conditions of your policy, so don't lose out on compensation that is due to you. There's a lot to think about after a car-truck accident, but protecting your legal rights is a must. You can do so by filing an insurance claim and looking into other ways to hold the negligent party responsible for the accident that caused your injuries and resulted in other losses.