Lotteries give people the chance to win hundreds of thousands and sometimes hundreds of millions of dollars. Winning the jackpot is a dream come true for the lucky ones. However, what should be a positive experience is often turned into a negative one when spouses or co-workers are involved. Serious disputes arise and threaten the winners’ future.

Many people invest in lottery pools as a way to increase their chances of winning the jackpot. If it works, the payouts to the participants are huge. Unfortunately, dealing with vast sums of money can bring out the worst in people. If the ticket holder is dishonest, there is a chance that the other members of the pool never see their money.

At The Epstein Law Firm, we work with clients throughout New Jersey to resolve disputes over lottery winnings. Our experience in contract disputes and high-stakes civil litigation allows us to work toward productive resolutions that satisfy all concerned. We believe in the basic need to play fair, and we fight for clients who were cheated out of their winnings.

Filing a Lawsuit in a Lottery Pool Situation in New Jersey

In workplace lottery pools, it is important to have a clear contract that outlines what should happen with a winning ticket. That way, should the ticket holder fail to distribute the winnings appropriately, there is a strong basis for a lawsuit. However, in most lottery disputes, no written contract exists, and we must look at oral and implied contracts as well as other theories of liability. Our New Jersey lottery dispute attorneys have decades of experience resolving contract disputes. We will do our best to ensure that the rules of fair play and the terms of the oral or written lottery pool contract are honored.

Spouses and Lottery Disputes

Many spouses grow accustomed to the idea any money and property should be split evenly between them. They believe that their marital vows can trump greed. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. Some spouses purchase lottery tickets using marital assets and then refuse to share the winnings, some going so far as to create secret accounts in which to hide the money. That is simply not right. The Epstein Law Firm would be happy to meet with you and determine whether you may have a right to a share of the winnings. If you do, we will pursue all available avenues to recover what you are due.

Handling Disputes Over All Types of Lottery Tickets

We encourage you to contact us if you are involved in a dispute over lottery winnings from games like:

  • Powerball
  • Mega Millions
  • Pick 3
  • Pick 4
  • Jersey Cash 5
  • Pick 6
  • Scratch-off games where the prize is $25,000 or more

Contact a Hackensack Lottery Attorney Today

If you are involved in a lottery dispute in New Jersey, talk to one of our lawyers about protecting your rights and your winnings. Call 201-231-7847 or contact our Rochelle Park office online to arrange a confidential consultation.