Evidence is an important part of a New Jersey car accident lawsuit. Evidence can include, but is not limited to, photos, witness statements and accident reports. Evidence is important for many reasons, such as proof of damages in a lawsuit, but it is also vital for determining fault or liability used as the basis for awarding compensation.

A serious car accident happened within the past week on New Jersey Interstate 78 at 6:20 a.m. The outcome of the accident may hinge on the totality of the evidence collected from the accident scene. The evidence collected regarding this accident is essential because the police believe an unidentified car may have had significant involvement in causing the fatal accident.

The accident involved two, potentially three, vehicles and caused serious injuries and one fatality. The only evidence reported regarding the accident was that a car drove off and reentered the road. When the car reentered the road, it collided with a semi-truck. The two individuals who were in the car were seriously injured. One of the individuals died and the other remains in critical condition at a local hospital.

The part of the accident scenario that may hinge on additional evidence is the fact that another car may have been involved in the accident and caused the first car to drive off of the roadway. Police reports indicate there is an investigation into the potential existence of a vehicle that left the accident scene. Police have identified the make and model and determined the vehicle would have significant damage to its front-end. Further investigation may produce additional evidence that will assist with the determination of fault for the tragic accident.

Source: NJ.com, “One dead, one seriously injured in crash on Route 78 east in Greenwich Township,” Warren Reporter, Oct. 19, 2012