The numbers of aquatic and swimming-related accidents have doubled for one New Jersey hospital since last year at this time. Most significantly, spinal cord injuries have been the most common at most traumatic of the types of accidents typically seen by emergency room staffs. Though the range of injury has varied, unfortunately, many of the spinal cord injuries seen have involved paralysis.

Likely, the hot weather has been responsible the increase in the number of accidents. Also, the waves along the oceanfront have been more extensive this summer. However, the types of accidents occurring are also indicative. There have been body surfing, boogie boarding, boating and personal watercraft accidents that have increased the number of these types of injuries.

There is a number of safety precautions that can be taken when engaged in recreational activity. These would include heeding lifeguard warnings, checking wave conditions before engaging in recreational activity, learning how to protect the head and back when surfing, never surfing alone, and being aware of the rocks, jetties and sandbanks in the location where an activity is taking place. Also, it’s good to never swim or surf at night, dive into shallow water or consume alcohol while engaged in water activities.

Attorneys can help individuals be compensated for their injuries through the fault of others. However, attorneys cannot cure paralysis.

Spinal cord injuries are particularly costly and devastating. As of yet, there is no known cure for paralysis, and a person paralyzed will likely require lifetime care for their injuries.

Source: Galloway Patch, “Aquatic and Beach-Related Trauma Injuries Have Doubled Since Last Year, AtlantiCare Says,” by Anthony Bellano, August 3, 2012