Professional athletes getting arrested for driving while intoxicated isn’t exactly a new occurrence, but the issue has certainly garnered more attention. Maybe it is the fact that the incidents are becoming much more widely publicized; maybe it is because of a social attitude shift; or maybe it is because of the serious nature of recent events; either way the media is taking note.

Not only is the media focusing on drunk “athlete” drivers, but the NFL is too. One of the greatest NFL-related tragedies and controversies of the season involved the fatal accident in which Cowboys player Josh Brent was found to have been driving while intoxicated when he caused an accident that took the life of fellow teammate and practice-squad member Jerry Brown.

Now, another team member has been arrested after a DWI-related crash. Jay Ratliff is a nose tackle for the team who was arrested on Tuesday, Jan. 22 after causing the crash. Toxicology results based on a search warrant issued after Ratliff’s refusal to submit to a Breathalyzer test had not been determined at the point of the report, but police had determined Ratliff was the driver at fault in the collision.

While this accident reportedly did not involve serious or fatal injuries as did the Brown case, it has the team and league officials questioning what changes need to be made. A Cowboys team consultant said that the team was considering implementing a requirement that players install an interlock device into their vehicles that would prevent the car from starting when a driver’s blood alcohol content was over the programmed limit.

No matter who the driver is, drunk driving is a very serious matter. The behavior often results in some of the most horrific accidents in New Jersey. Victims and their families deserve the maximum compensation the law allows under these circumstances.

Source:, “Jay Ratliff arrested on drunk-driving charge in Texas,” Dan Hanzus, Jan. 22, 2013

Our New Jersey personal injury law firm helps victims of an irresponsible drunk driving accident fight for the maximum compensation that they deserve.