Most all of us who live and/or work here in New Jersey find ourselves sharing the road with tractor-trailers. Besides the New Jersey Turnpike, these vehicles, sometimes loaded with flammable or other dangerous materials, can be found at all hours on roadways throughout the state.

Because truck drivers have the potential to cause serious injury and death in their vehicles, they and the companies for whom they drive are governed by numerous regulations. These regulations spell out requirements for things that impact how well the driver is operating the vehicle, such as how long he or she can be behind the wheel at one stretch. They also mandate things that impact the safety of the truck itself, such as how much weight it can carry.

Drivers are required by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration to report information accurately in their logbooks. However, they too often can face pressure from their employers to skirt the rules at the risk of their own and others’ safety.

The attorneys at [nap_names id=”FIRM-NAME-2″] have over seven decades of combined experience. We’ve seen the kind of carnage that an accident with a commercial truck can cause and just how much it can cost a family. We help victims of these accidents and surviving family members take on trucking companies to get the compensation owed to them if the driver and/or company is at fault.

For those fortunate enough to survive such an accident, medical care, physical therapy and rehabilitation can continue for years. Sometimes, victims are never able to work again. In other cases, we bring wrongful death suits to get surviving family members the money they need as they move on without their loved one. Of course, besides the calculable damages, there are pain and suffering damages to which they are entitled.

If we take your case, you owe us no attorneys’ fees unless and until we get a verdict or settlement in your favor. If you or a loved one has been involved in an accident with a semi-truck or any commercial vehicle, call or contact us online to arrange a free consultation.