Witnesses are often a big part of accident investigations. Many times they can provide valuable information about what happened just prior to and during the accident when victims are unable to do sue often due to incapacitating injuries. Witnesses also provide another important role after an accident; they are often the first wave of emergency assistance that a victim has and often the ones who call the professional emergency responders for the victims.

While traveling on the Bayonne Bridge carrying travelers from Staten Island, New York, to Bayonne, New Jersey, a car accident occurred. A man driving a truck not only witnesses the accident, but acted as a Good Samaritan when he stopped to help the victims. His reward? The man who caused the accident drove away with his truck.

According to the 64-year-old Good Samaritan, he had been traveling on the bridge in the direction of Staten Island. He was driving behind a van that began to drift across the center line and into oncoming traffic. When the truck driver suspected that drowsy driving was involved, he honked his horn to alert the driver and hopefully prevent an accident. The honk failed to work and the van driver struck a small car heading towards New Jersey.

After witnessing the accident, the truck driver stopped to assess the scene and help any possible victims. The driver of the van got out and told the Good Samaritan that he was okay. The Good Samaritan then went on towards the small car, noticing that there were two passengers both badly injured. While tending to the victims, the Good Samaritan heard his vehicle start up and drive away. When he turned around, the driver of the van was nowhere to be found.

Source: New York Post, “Good Samaritan’s truck stolen by crash victim he was helping,” Kate Kowsh, Rebecca Harshbarger and Philip Messing, Sept. 15, 2012

Have you been injured in a car accident, even in an unusual way? Our firm handles all kinds of cases of personal injury resulting from a New Jersey car accident.