Another motor vehicle mess was investigated over the weekend after seven vehicles became entangled on the New Jersey Turnpike — a common site for serious accidents. Drivers are generally allowed to move at higher speeds with fewer stops on roads such as this one. These turnpikes are a place for efficiency — something rarely used when talking about traffic.

That wasn’t the case on Saturday, Feb. 16 when traffic was stalled for hours, a traffic jam stretching over six miles in both directions that continued at least an hour after the accident occurred. It happened at 11:12 in the early afternoon, and while it may have created a bit of a headache for those stuck in the traffic, it was a different experience for the 11 people taken to the hospital.

It is unclear what exactly caused this one, but accidents such as this often begin with a single collision. Imagine being in your car when you check your rearview mirror. You see a car coming towards you, and you suddenly realize that it isn’t going to stop. You watch in awe as it hits, pushing you into the car in front of you. Maybe that one spins a little bit, the front end becoming exposed to oncoming traffic in the opposite lane. That car hits another and so on.

After the smoke clears and you are taken to the hospital for treatment of your injuries, you suddenly realize what really happened. Even if your injuries are the type that will heal, it will take some time. You realize that it means a week-long hospital stay and a week away from your job. Do you have any vacation or sick time left? When you eventually are able to return, how will you get there when your only mode of transportation was totaled in the collision?

These are all questions that eventually lead someone to file a personal injury lawsuit. Compensation awarded as a result of a jury determination or a settlement helps an accident victim get their lives back on track after another’s negligence derails it — even if only temporarily.

Source:, “Police: 11 injured during 7-car crash on the Turnpike in Cranbury,” John S. Clayton, Feb. 16, 2013

Car accidents are common, but when one happens to you or a loved one, it becomes very personal. Our Bergen County New Jersey Highway Accidents law firm provides that personal touch that victims appreciate.